The three fairy godmothers in Sleeping Beauty are often thought of as being ditzy, silly old ladies.
However, there is more to them than meets the eye. In fact, these fairy godmothers are actually powerful magic users who are responsible for putting Aurora to sleep in the first place!

So, next time you watch Sleeping Beauty, take a closer look at the fairy godmothers – you might be surprised at what you see!
Do you know who the sleepy fairy godmothers are in Sleeping Beauty?
The reality is that the Godmothers are actually very powerful magic users.
The godmothers’ names are Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather. Take a closer look at each one of these godmothers and you’ll see that they each have their own unique strengths and abilities.
Flora is the oldest and most powerful of the three godmothers. She is responsible for blessing Aurora with the gift of beauty.
Fauna is the middle godmother and is responsible for blessing Aurora with the gift of song.
Merryweather is the youngest godmother and is responsible for blessing Aurora with the gift of happiness.
While all three godmothers are powerful magic users, each one has their own unique abilities. All three of these gifts are essential for Aurora to have in order to be happy and content in her new life as a Sleeping Beauty.
The Three Fairies weren’t always meant to be godmothers
The three fairies in Sleeping Beauty weren’t always meant to be godmothers. In fact, they were originally going to be just simple forest animals. However, the film’s creators decided to change them into godmothers in order to give them more screen time and make them more important to the story.
Originally, the three fairies were going to be just simple forest animals. However, the film’s creators decided to change them into godmothers in order to give them more screen time and make them more important to the story.
This change ultimately made the fairies much more powerful and important characters. The godmothers each have their own unique abilities and strengths.
Merryweather changes the plan
When Merryweather learns that Aurora is going to be put to sleep for 100 years, she immediately sets out to change the plan.
Merryweather is the youngest and most impulsive of the three godmothers.
Merryweather’s first instinct is to use her magic to make Aurora human again. However, she quickly realizes that this would be too risky and could potentially kill Aurora. So, instead, Merryweather uses her magic to bless Aurora with the gift of happiness. This gift will ensure that Aurora is happy and content in her new life as a Sleeping Beauty.
What if Sleeping Beauty never woke up?
- What if Sleeping Beauty never woke up?
- What would happen to her?
If Sleeping Beauty never woke up, she would live out her days in a blissful sleep. She would never grow old or experience any pain or suffering. In many ways, it would be like living in a fairytale.
However, there are also some drawbacks to this scenario.
If Sleeping Beauty never woke up, she would never be able to experience the joys and pleasures of life. She would never fall in love or get married. She would never have children or grandchildren.
In short, she would never really live. So, while there are some benefits to never waking up, there are also some definite drawbacks. It’s up to you to decide if the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
Merryweather is my fav.